Thursday, March 1, 2018

Winter Bees & Other Poems of the Cold

Winter Bees & Other Poems of the Cold
A Review by Amanda Kendall

Sidman, Joyce. 2014. Winter Bees & Other Poems of the Cold. Ill. by Rick Allen. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. 0547906501

Plot Summary:
In this collection of winter poems, Joyce Sidman captures the winter months from beginning to end. The book commences with the tundra swans migrating before winter arrives, then explores the animals behavior throughout the cold months, and finally arrives at the onset of spring where the snow begins to thaw, and springtails bound from the snow to welcome the new season. Each one of the twelve poems captures a moment frozen in time during a forest winter and is accompanied by breathtaking illustrations and an informational paragraph that further explains the animal's instincts and adaptations.

Joyce Sidman is a masterful poet and storyteller.  This beautiful book is more than a collection of winter poems.  It encompasses a season. Each poem in the collection builds upon the next to tell the story of the creatures of the forest.  The twelve poems include a range of styles, some lyrical and some free verse, and cover a wide variety of topics from swans and snowflakes to moose and chickadees. The lyrical meter and rhyme presented in many of the poems give them a lovely sing-song quality. While the poems written in free verse like "Dream of the Tundra Swan" create a formidable yet elegant mood that perfectly pairs with the swan's own power and demeanor. The use of vibrant language and imagery throughout the collection brings the poems to life, while the use of alliteration and onomatopoeia entice the reader to read the poems aloud again and again. Each poem beautifully captures the essence of its subject in the style, mood, and word choice giving each part of the forest its own voice.

Rick Allen's intricate and exquisitely executed illustrations create depth and beauty to each poem.  From the opening page of the tree branch transitioning from fall to winter, to the same tree branch progressing into spring on the final pages, Allen's illustrations complete the story of the winter forest. The colors convey the beauty of the forest buried in snow, while highlighting the creatures that color the landscape with vibrant life even during these frozen months. Each poem is cleverly buried within the illustrations, allowing the poetry and the artwork to work together in perfect harmony. 

As an added bonus, each poem includes a snippet filled with information on the poem's subject including their adaptions and behaviors that help that not only survive but thrive during these cold winter months. The blend of poetry and information text is flawless in its delivery, encouraging readers of all ages to appreciate the beauty of the natural world presented in the text. The final inclusion of the glossary of scientific terms (and one poetry term) is another lovely addition for the inquisitive mind.

An absolute delight for all the senses from cover to cover, Winter Bees soars.

Awards & Reviews:
  • 2015 Claudia Lewis Poetry Award
  • ALSC Notable Children's Book
  • ILA Teacher's Choice Award
  • School Library Journal Best Book of 2014
  • Kirkus Best Book of 2014
  • The Bulletin Blue Ribbon Book
  • Chicago Public Library Best Book of 2014
  • New York Public Library's 100 Best Books for Reading and Sharing
  • 2014 Nerdy Poetry Award
From Publisher's Weekly: "Each poem brings a sense of humor, respect, or wonder to its subject..."

From Kirkus: "A work to be savored by young artists and scientists."

From School Library Journal: "Winter Bees distinguishes itself with a focus on the science of animal survival, coupled with superlative illustrations. Readers young and old will enjoy this winter journey and marvel at the wonders of nature."

More Poetry Books by Joyce Sidman:
  • Swirl by Swirl: Spirals in Nature. 054731583X
  • Red Sings from Treetops: A Year in Colors. 0547014945
  • Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night. 0547152280
  • Butterfly Eyes and Other Secrets of the Meadow. 061856313X
  • Ubiquitous: Celebrating Nature's Survivors. 0618717196
More Poetry Books about Winter:
  • Florian, Douglas. Winter Eyes. 0688164587
  • Krantz, Julie. Sledding Down the Hill: Poems for Winter. 069263584X
  • Rogasky, Barbara. Winter Poems. Ill. Trina Schart Hyman. 0590428721
  • Yolen, Jane. Snow, Snow: Winter Poems for Children. 1590783468
Suggested Curricular Connections:
  • Create a winter scene out of torn construction paper. Add white tempera paint for snow. Display with a winter poem written by the child about winter.
  • Research one of the winter animals in the book to learn more about them.
  • Perform "Brother Raven, Sister Wolf" or "Big Brown Moose" as a class choral reading with assigned roles for the students.
  • Choose a scientific terms from a informational blurb in the book and create an acrostic poem.